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ASVAB/Military Information

Earn Your Graduation Demonstration with ASVAB! 

The ASVAB Test offered at Brighton High School will meet the Graduation Demonstration, per the Colorado Department of Education (CDE) with minimum score of 31:

Graduation Guidelines - ASVAB 


If you’re serious about joining the military, then it’s time also to get serious about taking the ASVAB.  The ASVAB is a timed, multi-aptitude test, which is given at more than 14,000 schools and Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS) nationwide and is developed and maintained by the Defense Department (DoD). The ASVAB helps the DoD not just determine whether you are a good fit to join the service, but also which service branch you might be best for and even what military jobs you can hold after you finish basic training or boot camp. The better your ASVAB score, the broader your options. 

The Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery is the most widely used multiple-aptitude test battery in the world. The ASVAB measures your strengths, weaknesses, and potential for future success in four domains: verbal, math, science and technical, and spatial.

The ASVAB includes tests in 10 areas: general science (GS), arithmetic reasoning (AR), word knowledge (WK), paragraph comprehension (PC), mathematics knowledge (MK), electronics information (EI), auto information (AI), shop information (SI), mechanical comprehension (MC) and assembling objects (AO). It provides career information for various civilian and military occupations and is an indicator for success in future endeavors, such as college, vocational school or a military career.


Your scores in four critical areas -- Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, and Mathematics Knowledge -- count towards your Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT) score.  The AFQT score determines whether you are qualified to enlist in the US Military.  Your scores in the other areas of the ASVAB will determine how qualified you are for certain military occupational specialties and Enlistment Bonuses.  A high score will improve your chances of getting the specialty/job and signing bonus you want.


  • ARMY ---------------- 31

  • NAVY ---------------- 35

  • MARINES ------------ 31

  • AIR FORCE ---------- 36

  • COAST GUARD ----- 45


Below is some information about reading an ASVAB score and understanding what it means; if you have any questions about how to interpret your scores, please see your counselor.

ASVAB Score Sheet Click Here! 


You can sign up HERE for the next ASVAB at BHS



Visit the resources below for practice testing and support:


ASVAB Practice Test (with explanation) VID

ASVAB Practice Test Online

ASVAB Tutor Practice Test 

ASVAB Free Study Guide

Union Test Prep - Free Study Guides for ASVAB

Union Test Prep - Free Flashcards for ASVAB

Mometrix - Free Study Guide for ASVAB

What to Expect on the ASVAB