Principal Dr. Kerry Chisnall
Assistant Principal Samantha Conn-12th Grade
Hello Bulldog Students, Families, and Community Members,
I've had the pleasure of serving students and families at Brighton High School since 2014. While my first position at BHS was an English teacher, I first cheered on the Bulldogs as a parent to three BHS graduates.
My background in education includes teaching at all three levels, paraprofessional work, district-level secretary, and a parent volunteer/PTA member. My time at BHS has been paired with teaching at one of our 27J high schools in its opening year and serving as the assistant principal at one of our elementary schools. I returned to BHS in 2021, where I've been the freshmen administrator for the past three years. This year my role includes the administrator for the senior class, School Assessment Coordinator, and security. I'm also excited to continue partnering with our Athletic Director in supporting our student section leaders as well. I believe that every child holds value just as they are and can become more than they ever imagined. Both in and out of the classroom, that’s what drove me as a teacher and now as an administrator. Nothing is better than helping a student realize their potential, or see how what they’ve just learned through a lesson or conversation, changes them and moves them forward in their life. I consider my time working with, teaching, and serving high schoolers to be one of the best gifts I’ve had in my life.
When I’m not at school, I am with my amazing family where I get to be a wife, a mom to three amazing adults and their spouses, and a grandma to six ~ which keeps me very busy! Together, we enjoy laughing, catching up on life, enjoying the outdoors, and roasting a good s’more. They keep me rooted as I travel this very busy journey of life.
I’m looking forward to an amazing year with our BHS Bulldogs. Thank you for the opportunity to serve your students and this community. I can’t wait to see who they become, and where their journey takes them. Here’s to a great year!
~Ms. Conn
Assistant Principal Anthony D'Alanno-11th Grade
Bulldog Students, Parents, and Community:
My educator philosophy is centered around the whole child. I firmly believe that every student has the ability to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. My leadership style is focused on collaboration, partnership, and the idea that everyone matters.
This year I will be overseeing Brighton High School’s: Career and Technical Education program (CTE), Science Department, Advance Placement, Concurrent Enrollment, Gifted and Talented, Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS), and 11th graders (Juniors). These programs amongst so much more that Brighton has to offer gives students their best opportunity to be successful not only today, but in life.
A little about myself, I’m a Colorado native. Got my undergraduate degree at The University of Northern Colorado and my masters at Regis University. I love everything sports and still play in adult soccer leagues. This will be my 8th year in 27J Schools and can’t imagine ever leaving.
I feel honored to be part of the Brighton High School team. Finally, I look forward to helping students to be their best selves and be a part of the team that prepares them for what the world has to offer.
Mr. Anthony D’Alanno
Assistant Principal, Brighton High School
Assistant Principal Cynthia Griffith-10th Grade
I am a Colorado native and have worked in education for 24 years. I started my career in college admissions and advising and was able to serve Brighton High School in that role. My classroom experiences include serving local school districts for 9 years as a K-12 special education teacher and one year as a middle school English teacher. I earned my Bachelor of Arts degree from Metro State, my Master of Education from Regis University and my Master of Science in Educational Leadership and Principal’s License from Western Governors University. I have a Director of Special Education license and am currently finishing my doctoral degree in Special Education as well. I am starting my first year as an Assistant Principal and will be the administrator for 10th grade students. I am thrilled to serve BHS in this capacity.
I have two amazing teenage kids - my daughter is a high school junior and my son graduated in 2023 and recently moved to Arizona to pursue his post-secondary goals. We have two dogs, and two cats; all of whom are rescues. Fun facts: Bon Jovi is my favorite band. I love karaoke, musicals, cheering on my kids in basketball, and rooting for all of our hometown sports teams. I look forward to a great year - Go Dawgs!!
Ms. Cynthia Griffith
Assistant Principal, Brighton High School
Assistant Principal Victor Mendez-Mendoza-9th Grade
Mr. Mendez is proud to be joining the BHS family this year as an Assistant principal. He has been in education for over 10 years, where he has been a teacher, strategist, coach and an administrator. Mr. Mendez holds a Masters in Education and a Masters in Educational policy and Leadership.
When not working, Mr. Mendez enjoys spending time with his 2 dogs, Bella and Sasha and exploring the beauty of Colorado.
Mr. Victor Mendez-Mendoza
Assistant Principal, Brighton High School
Athletic & Activities Director/Assistant Principal David Smith
Brighton High School Students, Parents and Community,
As I reflect on the past 14 years I have worked at Brighton High School as a Teacher, Coach, Dean of Students, Assistant Principal and Athletic Director, I am reminded of all of the outstanding students, staff and parents with whom I have had the privilege to work. Brighton High School is truly a special place for so many reasons. The traditions and legacy make it a place where anything is possible.
Our vision for Bulldog Athletics and Activities is one where we should “never accept mediocrity.” What does that mean? For me, it means students should study, work, practice and perform to always be the best version of themselves in all endeavors, whether that be Academics (which comes first and foremost), Athletics and Activities. This phrase provides purpose and defines a direction to which all of our students can absolutely strive.
That being said, I want to wish all of our students the best of luck as the school year begins. I also want to wish our students involved in Athletics and Activities good luck as well. To the wonderful parents of our students, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me personally if you ever need anything. I am honored to work at such a great school with such amazing young people.
David Smith
Athletics & Activities Director/Assistant Principal, Brighton High School