Weekly Parent Updates
24-25 Weekly Parent Updates
- August 12, 2024
- August 19, 2024
- August 26, 2024
- September 2, 2024
- September 9, 2024
- September 12, 2024 (mid week update)
- September 16, 2024
- September 23, 2024
- September 25, 2024 (mid week)
- September 30, 2024
- October 7, 2024
- October 14, 2024
- October 16, 2024
- October 21, 2024
- October 28, 2024
- November 4, 2024
- November 11, 2024
- November 18, 2024
- December 2, 2024
- December 9, 2024
August 12, 2024
August 12, 2024
Good Afternoon Wonderful Bulldog Parents/Caregivers,
This is your BHS principal, Dr. C, with a some weekly updates which will be posted on our school Instagram and Facebook Pages, also:
Student Picture Day - you can get our Fall photo dates and order information Brighton High School District 27 Facebook Page
Is your student interested in orchestra? Local area instruction is available and for more information click HERE
Denver International Airport is holding information sessions for HS students interested in being pilots, air traffic controllers, and so on. For more information click HERE
Here is a reminder about new City of Brighton parking restrictions for non-residents parking on neighborhood streets around BHS. For the city’s letter and information click HERE. While we need to be respectful of immediate neighbors we still do need to safely drop off and collect our students from BHS. If you have any related concerns, you can take those to the City of Brighton.
If you have a student interested in playing a fall sport, please reach out to our Athletics Secretary: bmilianazzo@sd27j.net. Note registration for some sports closed today.
Please encourage your student to arrive to school on time and remind them that while there is limited time to talk with friends in passing between classes it is essential that our students are in class on time for bell-to-bell instruction.
You can access our 2024-25 Student Handbook HERE.
Note you can access regular updates on our school Instagram account:
Brighton High School Bulldogs Instagram Page
Our school Facebook account: Brighton High School District 27 Facebook Page
And our BHS website: Brighton School District 27J Official Website
Folks, thank you for your ongoing support of our great school and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
You are receiving this email because of your relationship with Brighton High School. If you wish to stop receiving email updates sent through the Finalsite service, please unsubscribe.
Brighton High School | 270 S. Eighth Ave., Brighton, CO 80601 | 303-655-4200
August 19, 2024
August 19, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is your principal, Dr. C, with some important weekly updates:
You can support BHS’ unified students and Principal Chisnall who will be attempting to pull a plane 12ft on Saturday, August 24. You can support the Burly Built Bulldogs and their goal to raise $2500 and donate to the CO Special Olympics via this link:
Burly Built Bulldogs Instagram Post
Athletics Updates: Our JV and Varsity Softball teams have home games this Wednesday against Dakota Ridge HS. Our JV and Varsity Mens’ soccer teams have home games on Thursday against Poudre HS and finally our football men host Erie HS for our opening Friday night game of the season here at BHS! Come out and support our bulldog athletes! Entry is $5 for students and seniors and $6 for adults.
We will be having a fire drill on Wednesday so I don’t want any families to be unnecessarily alarmed.
Due to an influx of new CLD/ESL and Special Education students, many schedules had to be changed late last week. Some students' schedules may be impacted because of these changes. Please make sure to check your students’ schedules in Infinite Campus to see if any changes have been made.
We continue to educate our students on the importance of getting to class on time in the morning and during class transitions throughout the day. Lost instructional time is not helpful for our scholars. We will be transitioning to a system soon where students that refuse to walk to class with a sense of purpose and are tardy will have escalating consequences for each reoccurrence - these will include warnings initially, then after-school detention, and so on. Your child’s safety and education are of the utmost importance to us.
Thank you to the families and community members that came out last Friday evening to support our football team’s Corn Hole fundraiser.
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school and staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
You are receiving this email because of your relationship with Brighton High School. If you wish to stop receiving email updates sent through the Finalsite service, please unsubscribe.
Brighton High School | 270 S. Eighth Ave., Brighton, CO 80601 | 303-655-4200
August 26, 2024
August 26, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates:
School Spirit: I was so impressed with the crowd turnout, school spirit and behavior of our BHS students at last Friday night’s home football game. Our students are to be commended for their positive energy and conduct!
Credit Recovery Program: Ms. Jones shares: “For the 24-25 school year, 27J has adopted a new Credit Recovery platform. We have encountered some unforeseen challenges with this platform, prompting us to pause and reassess our processes and practices across all schools utilizing the 27J Credit Recovery system. This will ensure equity and rigor for all students needing to recover credits for graduation. We apologize for the delay in providing this service. We will work through these challenges as a team and will get the platform ready as quickly as we can. Please be patient as we work to create a program that best supports all students who utilize it. Students who have questions are still welcome to see me in my Lab (S145).”
BHS Student Community Service Opportunity: Students can earn Community Service hours every 2nd Saturday (weather permitting) starting in September. Meet by our student parking lot at the corner of 10th and Skeel at 9 am to help clean up our community. No need to sign up- just show up and earn your hours! If you have any questions, please email: BrightonCommunityCleanup@
Athletics: Our volleyball teams host Monarch, 5:30pm-8:30pm on Aug. 27. Our soccer teams host Arvada West, 5pm-9pm on Aug. 29. Our volleyball teams host Vista Peak, 5pm-8:30pm on Aug. 29. Our non-varsity football teams host Douglas Co. on Saturday, 8am-1pm. Our softball teams host Legacy on Saturday, 11am-3pm. Come out and support our bulldog athletes! Entry is $5 for students and seniors and $6 for adults.
Supporting BHS & Unified Sports: Our staff, students and parents pulled a plane 12ft in a few seconds on Saturday, August 24. We still need your support of the Burly Built Bulldogs and their goal to raise $2500 - we need just $375.00 more to reach the target and BHS will get half the total back for our school’s Unified Sports Program and the remainder goes to the CO Special Olympics.
Burly Built Bulldogs Instagram Post
Student Tardies: We have continued to educate our students on the importance of getting to class on time in the morning and during class transitions throughout the day. Lost instructional time is not helpful for our scholars. However, many students continue to be tardy and this week we will transition to implementing leveled consequences which you can access HERE. Please make sure your child is dropped off at BHS before 8:30am. Students may enter the building at 8:10am.
Safety Check Systems: Our students will soon receive short introductory lessons, via their Advisory classes, on the new weapons detection systems we have in our 27J high schools. We intend to trial the safety check systems later in the fall and implement daily when we return for the second semester.
These announcements will be posted on our school’s Instagram and Facebook pages, also.
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school and staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall (BHS Principal)
You are receiving this email because of your relationship with Brighton High School. If you wish to stop receiving email updates sent through the Finalsite service, please unsubscribe.
Brighton High School | 270 S. Eighth Ave., Brighton, CO 80601 | 303-655-4200
September 2, 2024
September 9, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. These announcements will be posted on our school’s Instagram and Facebook pages, also.
- Homecoming Celebrations: We are so excited about the homecoming events that are quickly approaching. THANK YOU to SD27J Schools that are allowing us to proceed with key events while having to balance required instructional hours for our kiddos. We have found a solution and will share more detailed information very soon as our staff finalize the details. The key takeaway in the interim is that online live instruction will be provided on the float preparation day and in-person as necessary. We are looking at a 2pm parade on Sept. 27, a bonfire (granting of permit pending) the evening of Sept 26, our Homecoming football game on Sept. 27 and Homecoming Dance on Sept. 28 (minimum 90% attendance rate required for each student being able to attend). More details will be sent to students and families in a mid-week update this week.
- State Test Results-Notice to Families: Please see the important documents with my email update and posted newsletter. Information can be found HERE
- Athletics: Our volleyball teams host Fairview, 5:30pm-8:30pm on Sept. 12. Our soccer teams host Northridge, 5pm-9pm on Sept 12. Our softball teams host Boulder, 5p Entry is $5 for students and seniors and $6 for adults.
- Safety Check Systems: Our students will soon receive short introductory lessons, via their Advisory classes, on the new weapons detection systems we have in our 27J high schools. We intend to trial the safety check systems later in the fall and implement daily when we return for the second semester.
- How sick it too sick? The beginning of the school year is a common time to see an increase in illness among students and staff. 27J follows the state guidelines for illness in school: How Sick is Too Sick Please refer to these guidelines for questions about respiratory or stomach illnesses, viruses including Covid-19, lice information, and more. Please also remember: *If you have a fever, are vomiting, or do not feel well enough to work, stay home until your symptoms improve and you are fever-free (without fever-reducing medication) and no vomiting for 24 hours.PERSONAL:El comienzo del año escolar es un tiempo común para ver un aumento de enfermedades entre los estudiantes y el personal. El distrito escolar 27J sigue las pautas estatales para enfermedades en la escuela: Qué tan enfermo es demasiado enfermo. Consulte estas pautas si tiene preguntas sobre enfermedades respiratorias o estomacales, múltiples virus incluyendo el Covid-19, información sobre piojos y más. Recuerde también:*Si tiene fiebre, vómitos o no se siente lo suficientemente bien para trabajar, quédese en casa hasta que sus síntomas mejoren y no tenga fiebre (sin medicamentos para reducir la fiebre) ni vómitos durante 24 horas.
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
September 12, 2024 (mid week update)
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my mid-week update regarding Homecoming Week & Test Results. This update will be posted on our school’s Instagram and Facebook pages, also.
Homecoming Celebrations:
Owed to state instructional hour requirements, instruction will still be occurring on our parade day on Sept. 27. The parade starts at 2pm.
Students that attend to make floats on Sept 27 will need to be present for each period on our revised instructional schedule found HERE
Students not involved with float making will be offered live online remote instruction at home from their regular teachers.
Teachers that are sponsoring floats will arrange asynchronous online work for their students to complete.
Attendance will be taken by logging in to live instruction and completing assigned tasks for our asynchronous (non-live online work).
Students that do not have Internet access or supervision issues may come to BHS to complete the online instructional work.
Buses will run at normal times for bus riders.
Self-contained special education classes will be in-person as run as normal.
Our student HoCo Bonfire event will be at 7pm at the Brighton Sports Complex, at 1111 Judicial Center Drive, on September 26.
Our Peach Fuzz event will be at 7pm on September 24. Our Powder Puff event will be at 7pm on September 25. Our football men host Bear Creek at 7pm on September 27.
Homecoming Dance on Sept. 28 (minimum 90% attendance rate required for each student being able to attend). More details will be sent to students and families in a mid-week update this week.
State Test Results-Notice to Families: Please see the important documents with my email update and posted newsletter. Information can be found HERE Advisory teachers were sending PSAT/SAT results home with our scholars today.
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
September 16, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. These announcements will be posted on our school’s Instagram and Facebook pages, also.
Homecoming Celebrations: I am resending all the Homecoming details which you can access HERE. One adjustment to the HOCO week schedule is we are moving our parade start time to 1:30pm to better accommodate our elementary school partners while still getting in our required instructional time per 27J Schools.
Hispanic Heritage Month: September 15 to October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month and an opportunity for us to recognize numerous contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans both in our local community, state and the United States.
Community Service: Many thanks to Jenny Valdivia who worked with seven of our students to clean-up around our local community and at our major school parking lot. Your child can get involved and log community service hours via Ms. Valdivia at brightoncommunitycleanup@
Student Attendance: We continue to see major improvement in students getting to class on time. Of course, we are also focusing attention on our students that choose to leave campus and not attend their classes. Our students’ access to high quality learning, and being accounted for and as safe as possible in our building, is our number one priority. We thank you for your continued support in reinforcing the need for strong attendance during National Attendance Awareness Month (September).
Athletics: This is a BIG week in which many of our teams host Prairie View and Riverdale Ridge HS. Our volleyball teams host PVHS, 5:00pm-8:30pm on Sept. 19. Our soccer teams host Riverdale Ridge, 5pm-9pm on Sept 19. Our softball teams host PVHS, 5pm-9pm on Sept. 17. Our junior football men host Chatfield on Saturday morning. Our X-Country team is in action Sept. 18 & 21. Entry is $5 for students and seniors and $6 for adults.
Safety Check Systems: Our students will soon receive short introductory lessons, via their Advisory classes, on the new weapons detection systems we have in our 27J high schools. We intend to trial the safety check systems later in the fall and implement daily when we return for the second semester.
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
September 23, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. These announcements will be posted on our school’s Instagram and Facebook pages, also.
Homecoming Celebrations: I am updating all the exciting details for Homecoming week which you can access HERE.
Free Dental Care: Free dental care will be available to ALL community members at Riverdale Ridge HS, Sept. 27-28. More information can be found HERE.
PSAT/NMSQT: If you have a junior who is interested in taking the PSAT/NMSQT - National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, the test will be held Tuesday, October 29, 2024 at 8:30am at our District Training Room. To sign up, please complete this form by the end of day this Thursday, September 26, 2024. The cost is $25. You can find out more information about the test here and the National Merit Scholarship here.
Athletics: Home athletic events this week include: Our soccer men host Loveland, 5pm-9pm on Sept 24. Our volleyball ladies host Riverdale Ridge 5pm-8:30pm on Sept 26 (**If possible to be rescheduled owed to away HoCo Bonfire that evening). Varsity football men have their homecoming game on Friday, Sept. 27. Our softball ladies host Rangeview, 11am-3pm on Sept. 28. Entry is $5 for students & seniors and $6 for adults.
Fall Clothing Giveaway & Financial Literacy Class: See the attached flyers with my email update about an imminent Fall Clothing Giveaway and separately a Financial Literacy Class for community members. These flyers will be on the BHS Instagram & FB pages, also.
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
September 25, 2024 (mid week)
Good Evening BHS Community,
This is Dr C with some quick mid-week principal updates:
1) As we continue our Spirit Week and students may wear costumes I want all to be aware of 27J's costume guidelines which can be found HERE.
2) Some folks have requested information regarding our homecoming parade route - I have attached a map to this email.
Have a great evening and thanks for your ongoing support of our great school!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall, Principal.
September 30, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and Twitter (now X).
Homecoming Celebrations: Thank you to our student government, Ms. Huss, parent volunteers, our staff and community members and organizations for supporting a very busy and exciting Homecoming week! So many highlights, but the parade was special for sure.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: We will have Parent/Teacher conferences 4:30pm-7:30pm on October 14. Assistant Principal D’Alanno will share more details very soon (adalanno@sd27j.net).
Athletics: Home athletic events this week include: Our softball ladies host Northglenn, 5pm-9pm on October 3. Our varsity football men host Rocky Mountain on Friday evening (October 4). Entry is $5 for students & seniors and $6 for adults. Our varsity softball ladies host Centaurus, 10am-12pm, Saturday, October 5.
Parent Climate Survey: Please take the SD27J parent survey and let us know what we are doing well at Brighton HS and what we can do better. Note the survey will open tomorrow (October 1) and stay open through October 31. If you have any access issues, feel free to contact me. Here is the QR Code and/or survey link below: Parent Survey
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
October 7, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and text message.
World Teacher Day: While Teacher Appreciation Week is ahead of us, World Teacher Day was on Saturday, October 5. We have a very dedicated faculty that cares for our students, community and school traditions. Thank you teachers for your dedication, care for Brighton HS and being “All In”.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: We will have in-person Parent/Teacher conferences 4:30pm-7:30pm on October 14. Maps will be provided on arrival to families providing information to locate teachers and their departments. Teachers will reach out to families that cannot attend in person that same week.
Athletics: Home athletic events this week include: Our soccer men host RRHS, 5pm-9pm on October 10. Our volleyball ladies host Westminster on October 10. Our junior football teams host PVHS on Saturday, October 12. Entry is $5 for students & seniors and $6 for adults. Soccer is at PVHS on October 8 and our varsity football men travel to PVHS on Friday, October 11.
Parent Climate Survey: Please take the SD27J parent survey and let us know what we are doing well at Brighton HS and what we can do better. Note the survey opened October 1 and stay open through October 31. If you have any access issues, feel free to contact me. Here is the QR Code and/or survey link below:
October 14, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and text message.
- Safety Check System: This week our students will get to trial our Safety Check Systems for arrival only on October 16. We had students walk through them, while turned off, on Friday. We will be allowing student entry from 7:45am on Oct 16 only for the trial. Please stop by during Parent-Teacher Conferences (4:30pm-7:30pm, October 14) to see the systems and ask questions.
- Athletics: Home athletic events this week include: Our soccer men have their Senior Night and host Mountain Range, 5pm-9pm on October 17. Our volleyball ladies are at PVHS 5-9pm on October 15. Our varsity football men host Fairview, 6-10pm, October 18. Entry is $5 for students & seniors and $6 for adults.
- Parent/Teacher Conferences: We will have in-person Parent/Teacher conferences 4:30pm-7:30pm on October 14. Maps will be provided on arrival to families providing information to locate teachers and their departments. Teachers will reach out to families that cannot attend in person that same week.
- Parent Climate Survey: Please take the SD27J parent survey and let us know what we are doing well at Brighton HS and what we can do better. Note the survey opened October 1 and stays open through October 31. If you have any access issues, feel free to contact me. Here is the QR Code and/or survey link below:
October 16, 2024
Good Evening Wonderful Brighton High School Students, Families, and Staff,
This morning, BHS conducted a Safety Check trial run from 7:45 to 8:15am. The trial allowed our safety team and law enforcement partners to evaluate the entry process and will allow us to make necessary changes before full implementation in January. Additional trials will take place before the full time January implementation.
Our students are to be commended for their behavior and due diligence - with hundreds arriving earlier than usual which supported the trial process. There were definitely some helpful takeaways from our first trial and as shared we will continue to enhance the process with future safety check trials.
Any students that have questions or concerns can consult their advisory teacher tomorrow and counselors if necessary.
QUESTIONS? Please see our Safety Check page.for answers to questions you may have.
If you have additional questions–about weapons detection or any 27J safety matter–we’re hosting two, question-and-answer School Safety Family Forums this month. Learn more about the forums and RSVP.
With thanks,
Dr. Kerry Chisnall, Principal and Samantha Conn, Assistant Principal
October 21, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and text message.
- School Production: Come out and see our school production, It’s a Wonderful Life at 7:00pm on October 25 & 26. Tickets are $10 for adults & $5 for students or online at Bulldog Drama Website . I can’t wait to be at opening night!
- Athletics: Home athletic events this week include: Our soccer men host Boulder, 5pm-9pm on October 14. Our volleyball ladies host Northglenn, 5-8:30pm on October 24. Our varsity football men are away to Fort Collins, on Friday, October 25. Entry is $5 for students & seniors and $6 for adults.
- School Safety Forums for our Community: 27J Schools will host a community forum on October 28 which will focus on Brighton and Commerce City-area schools and be hosted at our very own Brighton High School at 6:30 PM. Anyone is welcome to attend this session.
- Parent Climate Survey: Please take the SD27J parent survey and let us know what we are doing well at Brighton HS and what we can do better. Note the survey opened October 1 and closes October 31. If you have any access issues, feel free to contact me. Here is the QR Code and/or survey link below:
October 28, 2024
Dear Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and text message.
- Dia de los Muertos: This year, our school is inviting our BHS community to join us to celebrate Day of the Dead on Saturday, November 2nd, from 12:00 noon to 1:30 pm. We hope you can join us! We will have an OFRENDA where families, (and ALL of us) are welcomed to bring pictures of our loved ones that have passed away. BHS L.U.L.A.C. (League of United Latin American Citizens) members will be selling 4" x 6" photo frames. We will have food, drinks, music, movie, games, and our very own BHS folklore dancers. For more information see the flyers on social media and attached with my email update.
- Halloween Dress: Students may wear Halloween costumes to school this Thursday, however, they must comply with 27J Guidelines as accessed HERE.
- Athletics: Home athletic events this week include: Our volleyball ladies host Mountain Range for Senior Night, 5-8:30pm on October 31. Our varsity football men host Fossil Ridge, on Friday, November 1. Entry is $5 for students & seniors and $6 for adults.
- School Safety Forums for our Community: 27J Schools will host a community forum today, October 28 which will focus on Brighton and Commerce City-area schools and be hosted at our very own Brighton High School at 6:30 PM. Anyone is welcome to attend this session.
- Parent Climate Survey: Please take the SD27J parent survey and let us know what we are doing well at Brighton HS and what we can do better. Note the survey opened October 1 and closes October 31. If you have any access issues, feel free to contact me. Here is the QR Code and/or survey link below:
November 4, 2024
Good Evening Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. I hope you are all coping well with the time change and cooler weather. These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and text message.
Holiday Season: The holiday season sprint has commenced with Thanksgiving and our winter break both fast approaching. It is critical that our students stay focused and sustain or maximize their efforts as we start to approach the end of Semester 1. To access our school calendar click HERE.
BHS School Safety Forum: BHS will host a School Safety Check System session for BHS families on November 19 at 6:00pm. We have additional safety check trials on the horizon.
Attendance: Please support your student’s success by ensuring they are dropped off daily before 8:30AM which is when instruction starts. In addition, we need your support in ensuring your student attends Advisory on Wednesdays and Thursdays. We have important Social Emotional Learning (SEL) opportunities, school announcements, and assignment completion support in these blocks. Some students are not taking Advisory seriously and we intend to address this in the days and weeks ahead. We want our students in class and not attempting to exit the campus prematurely (outside of lunch). Thanks in advance for your support in this area - it is a safety and instructional concern - and a “culture change” we must address collectively (students, staff and in partnership with our families).
Athletics: It’s a relatively quiet week as fall sports wind down. A BIG shout-out to our Seniors and coaches for their commitment to their respective sports, fellow student athletes, and our school. I have seen so much passion and care on display as the fall season closed out! Thank you for representing BHS so well!! Our dance team has a competition away at PVHS on Wednesday and our Unified Bowling and E-Sports teams are in action on Thursday.
Opportunity for Community Service Hours: All 27J students are required to have 20 hours of community service as a graduation requirement. There is an opportunity to earn community service this Saturday, November 9, with the Brighton Community Clean-up: Email Ms. Jenny at brightoncommunitycleanup@
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
November 11, 2024
Good Evening Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. I hope you are all keeping warm & enjoyed the first major snow of the season. Thank YOU to all our veterans that have served us, their families, our country, and our constitution so selflessly! We are grateful for your sacrifice & inspire us with your dedication. These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and text message.
Holiday Season: The holiday season sprint continues with Thanksgiving and our winter break both fast approaching. It is critical that our students stay focused and sustain or maximize their efforts as we start to approach the end of Semester 1. To access our school calendar click HERE.
School Safety Check System Trials: This Wednesday, November 13th, BHS will conduct Safety Check (weapon detection) trials throughout the school day, and will run additional trials at later times. To support us with pass-through timing, when students arrive, they should remove their Chromebook, metal water bottles, along with cans of soda, energy drinks, etc, cologne and perfume bottles with metal lids or bases, and 3-ring binders. Doors will open on Weds, 11/13 at 7:45AM. After entering through the safety check, students may wait by their classroom door or go to the Dawg Diner for breakfast. Please note: students will proceed back through the Security Check system any time they leave the building. Thank you for your partnership in ensuring the security of our building and the safety of our students and staff.
BHS School Safety Forum: BHS will host a School Safety Check System session for BHS families on November 19 at 6:00pm.
Attendance: Please support your student’s success by ensuring they are dropped off daily before 8:30AM which is when instruction starts. In addition, we continue to need your support in ensuring your student attends Advisory on Wednesdays & Thursdays. We have important Social Emotional Learning (SEL) opportunities, school announcements, and assignment completion support in these blocks. Some students continue to NOT take Advisory seriously and we will be addressing this in the days and weeks ahead. We want our students in class and not attempting to exit the campus prematurely (outside of lunch). Thanks in advance for your support in this area - it is a safety (strongly encourage your kiddo to attend Advisory on Wednesdays & Thursdays) and instructional concern - and a “culture change” we must address collectively (students, staff and in partnership with our families).
Athletics: Ladies’ basketball tryouts are 11/18-19 and 11/18-11/20 for mens’ basketball. Wrestling & Swimming start on 11/18. Wrestling is in pre-season training. If you have any questions, please reach out to our Athletics’ Secretary, Ms. Millazo, at bmilinazzo@sd27j.net,
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
I am humbled & privileged to serve our staff, students, families and community.
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
November 18, 2024
Good Afternoon Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates.These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and text message.
BHS Holiday Market: The Brighton High School Dance Team would like to invite the BHS and 27J community at large to attend our Holiday Market on Saturday, November 30th from 9am-1pm in the CLC Commons & Gym. Admissions to this shopping event is free. Parking will be located on the west side of the school with an entrance at the CLC doors (signs will be posted). We are looking forward to hosting a variety of small businesses and vendors who will be offering a variety of products and services including, but not limited to: hat & t-shirt pressers, permanent jewelry, homemade tamales, and more. If you are a local small business who would like to participate and have a booth at our event, feel free to reach out to Head Coach, Lindsey Solano, for more information or use the following link to register: BHS Holiday Market Vendor Registration FormThe deadline for payment has been extended to Thursday, November 21st at 4:30pm.
Holiday Season: The holiday season sprint continues with our Thanksgiving break next week (11/26-11/29) and our winter break (12/23-1/3) both fast approaching . It is critical that our students stay focused and sustain or maximize their efforts as we start to approach the end of Semester 1. To access our school calendar click HERE.
School Safety Check System Trials: We will continue our Safety Check Trials this week with an arrival safety check on the morning of Thursday, November 21. Doors will open for students at 7:45AM this Thursday morning. Please note: students will proceed back through the Security Check system any time they leave the building.Students can further support the safety check process by being prepared to remove the following items as they approach their passthrough: Chromebooks, metal water bottles, metal canisters, curling & flat irons and cologne or perfume bottles made of glass & metal. In addition, please remind your student that the new safety fencing around sections of our school should not be compromised - students should not climb the fences or allow others through the egress only gates. Thank you for your partnership in ensuring the security of our building and the safety of our students and staff.
BHS School Safety Forum: BHS will host a School Safety Check System session in our atrium (East Entrance) for BHS families tomorrow, November 19 at 6:00pm.
Attendance: We continue to need your support in ensuring your student attends Advisory on Wednesdays & Thursdays. We have important Social Emotional Learning (SEL) opportunities, school announcements, and assignment completion support in these blocks. Some students continue to NOT take Advisory seriously and we will be addressing this in the days and weeks ahead. We want our students in class and not attempting to exit the campus prematurely (outside of lunch). Thanks in advance for your support in this area - it is a safety (strongly encourage your kiddo to attend Advisory on Wednesdays & Thursdays) and instructional concern - and a “culture change” we must address collectively (students, staff and in partnership with our families).
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
I am thankful for my role at BHS and to serve our staff, students, families and community.
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
December 2, 2024
Good Afternoon Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving and got to relax some. This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates. These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and text message.
27J School Calendar Change for 2025-26: The Key Changes for 2025-2026-
- Two-Week Shift: The first day of school (K-12) will be Aug. 21, and the last day will be June 4.
Why? A number of parents and staff said this year's Aug. 9 start date was too early. Plus, early August hot temps put a strain on our schools’ old HVAC systems. To have a later start and still meet the other requirements, we've shifted the start and end dates to two weeks later. It avoids the very early August first day of school and those really hot days, but it pushes beyond Memorial Day.
- Two Assessment Days: We’ve added two assessment days for middle and high schools.
- Why? Students and teachers need these days to better prepare for state and local testing and evaluate assessment results.
- Tweaks to Bell Schedules: Middle and high school hours will be 8:25 a.m.–4:35 p.m. Elementary school hours will shift to 7:45 a.m.–3:25 p.m.
- Why? Middle and high school days need to be eight minutes longer to meet state-required instructional time and have two assessment days. Elementary schools will keep the same number of minutes per day, but shift bell times to allow for transportation adjustments at the middle and high schools.
- The 2025-26 School Calendar can be found HERE.
Holiday Season: The holiday season sprint continues with our winter break (12/23-1/3) fast approaching . It is critical that our students stay focused and sustain or maximize their efforts as we start to approach the end of Semester 1. To access our school calendar click HERE.
School Safety Check System Trials: We will continue our Safety Check Trials this week, however, most trials will be conducted randomly during the instructional day versus on morning arrival. We expect to resume morning arrival trials the following school week.
Yearbook Announcement for Parents of Seniors: Senior Parents, We are extending the deadline for senior baby ads due to Thanksgiving Break. The deadline to get all materials and such to the yearbook will be FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6. Here is the PDF of instructions (please note that the due date is wrong on the PDF and has been extended to December 6).
Athletics: We host swimming and diving against Erie HS on Tuesday afternoon/evening and our wrestling teams are in action at home on Saturday. Our basketball ladies and gents have away games this week.
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal
December 9, 2024
Good Afternoon Wonderful BHS Parents/Caregivers;
This is Dr. C, with my weekly principal updates.These announcements will be distributed by phone, email and text message.
Student Schedule Information for Semester 2:
-Student schedules will be open for viewing on Friday December 12th at 4:30 pm
-Students are free to email their alpha counselor with any schedule change requests at that point.
-Walk-in schedule change day Friday December 20th 8:30-4:30pm. BHS Counseling Office/PWR Center, no appointments needed.
-No schedule requests will be made once the second semester has started.
Financial Aid Session for Families of Seniors: Parents of Seniors,
BHS will be hosting a Financial Aid Night on December 11th at 6:00. We will have experts on hand to help you complete the FAFSA/CASFA and offer presentations in both English and Spanish.
You will need to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form to be eligible for federal student aid such as federal grants, work-study funds, and loans. Completing and submitting the FAFSA form is free and gives you access to the largest source of aid to help you pay for college or career school.
You will need an FSA ID (Federal Student Aid ID) to access and complete the FAFSA online, essentially acting as your electronic signature to sign the form and manage your federal student aid information through the Department of Education's online systems. Attached you will find directions on how to create your FSA ID. We ask that you follow the attached instructions and create your FSA ID prior to December 11th, as you will not be able to complete the FAFSA without this ID. It can take 2-3 business days for you to receive the FSA ID after submitting, so please plan accordingly.
Failing Core Classes? The holiday season sprint continues with our winter break (12/23-1/3) fast approaching . It is critical that our students stay focused and sustain or maximize their efforts as we start to approach the end of Semester 1. To access our school calendar click HERE.
There are only two weeks left of the semester! If you are failing one or more core (English, Math, Science, History) classes. It is very important to communicate with your teacher to see if you can get your grade up to passing. It is also important to prepare for the final exam which can also bump your grade up to passing. If you fail a core class, you have to pay $60 and take it through credit recovery. It saves you time and money to pass the class the first time around.
A few helpful reminders:
Math tutoring is available after school on Tuesdays and Thursday in Mod 2 from 435-530.
Link is hosting a Cocoa and Cram event for all Freshmen to help them study for finals. This will be on December 12th, in the Dawg Diner from 5-7 pm.
The following is the finals’ schedule: Tuesday, December 17: Periods 1, 2, and 3; Wednesday, December 18: Periods 4 and 5; Thursday, December 19: Periods 6 and 7.
Substance Abuse Resource: Substance abuse continues to be a growing concern in our local community, state and nation. Here is a resource for parents: https://shifttheinfluence.org/
School Safety Check System Trials: We will continue our Safety Check Trials this week, however, most trials will be conducted randomly during the instructional day versus on morning arrival. We expect to resume morning arrival trials this Thursday morning. Ms. Conn will share more information this week.
Winter Choir Concert: Our Winter Choir Concert is at 7pm in the BHS auditorium this Monday evening.
Home Athletics: We host wrestling against Loveland HS on Wednesday afternoon/evening and wrestling hosts again on Thursday afternoon/evening.
Folks, as always, thanks for your ongoing support of our great school, students, staff and of course: Go Bulldogs!
Dr. Kerry Chisnall
BHS Principal