Student Health & Wellness
Health services are provided to 27J Schools through consultation from the Children’s Hospital Colorado, School Health Program. The school nurse consultant functions as a liaison between the Children’s Hospital, the community, and the school by providing information, referrals, and resources. The nurse consultant assists schools to provide the safest, evidence-based health care services within the school setting. Each nurse consultant covers several schools in the district and can be reached during school hours by contacting the school Health Office.
Health Forms for Families
Allergy and Anaphylaxis Action Plan
Allergy/Anaphylaxis Self Carry Contract
Medication Permission Form 27J
Medication Permission Form 27J SPANISH
Overnight Field Trip Medication Authorization
Tube Feeding Authorization for School
Parent Notification: Stock epinephrine in all 27J school buildings
The district shall have a stock supply of epinephrine auto-injectors for use in emergency anaphylaxis events that occur on school grounds. Any administration of a stock epinephrine auto-injector to a student by a district employee shall be in accordance with applicable state law, including applicable State Board of Education rules.
The district's stock supply of epinephrine auto-injectors is not intended to replace student-specific orders or medication provided by the student's parent/guardian to treat the student's asthma, food or other allergy, anaphylaxis or related, life-threatening condition